You are probably wondering how celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Simpson & Hilary Duff look so gorgeous all the time? How does their hair always look so perfect and well-conditioned?

What?s the Secret?

Well the secret is in the tools, the products and the stylist.

You can create these looks at home, and one of the best tips is:- the less time you spend on it the better it will look. Now you are probably wondering how, but if you think it takes 8-20mins to straighten your hair, you may start to believe me.

Here?s some great tips that you can use at home that will help you to look even better. These tips come not only from personal experiences but also from the celebrity stylists, who help to create a great red carpet look.

So here we go, read on for the ultimate in celebrity hair tips.

How to get that ?Going to the Oscars? Glamour

Whenever you see a picture of a celebrity on the red carpet, you are probably thinking how amazing they look. And what you can see is a hairstyle that has taken months of planning and trips to the stylists in order to look absolutely Hollywood perfect.

Before the big event, the celebrity will consult with their stylist about how they want to look, but also ask advice from their hairdressers on how to look up to date, but also very sexy and feminine.

Those who kept up with the times on the red carpet this year went for very large Hollywood curls, with an extra rich colour and shine. To recreate this look here are some tips on how to curl your hair so you can look just as elegant. Create Great Curls

If you have just bought yourself some very expensive straighteners, or you are thinking about it, why not consider the idea of curling your hair with straighteners? You can get more controllable curls which are far easier to manage than your natural hair is!


1. Make sure that your hair is semi-straight, or if not straighten it.

2. Spray on some heat-protection spray and then divide your hair into sections. The fewer the number of sections the tighter the curls will be.

3. Take the straightener and clamp it over the top of the section, then whilst pulling down the straighteners turn the straightener round. To produce a tighter curl clamp harder with the straighteners and pull harder when you bring it down.

4. Do not brush your hair after you have done this, but simply tease through with your fingers. And add some shine spray.

Another way to curl your hair that always creates great celebrity styles hair effect is to use some heated rollers. The type of rollers that you should get should depend on how long and thick your hair is, and how tight the curl that you want to achieve is.

I would recommend for short thin hair to use a straightener (the above method) or tongs, for thick medium length hair to use some medium sized heated rollers and for really long hair I would use some very large velcro rollers. Try using these on wet hair and then drying off with a hair dryer (be sure to have plenty of hair grips on hand however).

The most perfect thing about celebrities hair is that it always appears in perfect condition. Just think, can you remember every seeing Jennifer Aniston with her hair looking messed up?!

Many celebrities will have plenty of deep conditioning treatments at their salon before the big event. These treatments will vary from Damage Restructuring to Deep Conditioning and Detoxifying.

There are plenty of high street products out there that are suitable for home use and you can pick them up on the high street for reasonable prices. I would always recommend that you look on the back and see the list of ingredients, the more chemicals it has in it, the worse it will be for your hair in the long run.

You may wish to consider trying some organic haircare products, which are not always as expensive as you think, and with organic followers like Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle McPherson you will be in great company!

Or indeed for a special event such as a prom or a ball, why not go down to your local hairdresser or beauty salon and have a hair wrap or mask? These may be quite expensive but will definitely get you the look that you desire and it?s worth treating yourself for a special event.

Always check with the salon about which treatment they think will be right for you, because not all of them will be suitable for your hair type.

For further celebrity beauty secrets and ideas for how to get your hair looking great, visit Celebrity Sedu Hairstyles

This article was submitted by Alissa Carter, owner of Dress Search - Prom Dresses website.

Do Celebrity Diets Work?

Almost every female celebrity has had her name associated with a certain diet at one point or another. However no matter how much you trust and admire a celebrity they don't always recommend good dietary advice.

Remember Oprah Winfrey pushing the Cabbage Soup Diet about a decade or so on her television. This diet alternated eating one certain food all day with drinking a high sodium broth made from cabbages, V8 juices and Lipton's onion soup mix. One day you would eat nothing bananas, another day nothing but soup and another day nothing but meat. The problem with this diet is that it was basically a calorie deprivation diet that many people found hard to stick to. It was also a diet that was extremely high in sodium. Oprah later retracted her faith in this diet, but this is a good example of When Good Celebrities Diet Wrong.

Unfortunately, many celebrities do not really realize the impact that their blithe comments have on their faithful followers, especially when it comes to diets. Here are some examples of celebrity diets that may or may not work depending on the condition of your health, your budget and whether or not you have a private chef.

Drew Barrymore - Drew Barrymore advocates engaging in at least one fun but strenuous activity a day such as crazy golf, swimming or playing a team sport. This is combined with three meals a day, staying away from cola and eating sugar free Jell-O. She also stays away from eating meat as much as she can. This is a very sensible plan but it will not create a stick thin figure. Drew Barrymore is one of those curvy celebrities who is not caving in to Hollywood peer pressure to be less than curvaceous.

Heidi Klum - Supermodel Heidi Klum stunned the world by losing thirty pounds one month after giving birth to her baby. She did this by embarking on a calorie restricted diet that allowed her no more than 1700 calories a day which most doctors would consider to be too low for a nursing mom. However it might be just right for an average adult who is not nursing!

Gwyneth Paltrow - Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is a follower of the Zen Macrobiotic diet that bans dairy, caffeine, alcohol, meat, fish and eggs. Whatever you eat that is left over must be organic. This can be an expensive or inexpensive diet depending on whether or not you go for the organic option. Also most foods on this diet are served raw which means buying plenty of fresh produce, which can get expensive. It is very difficult to cook anything tasty on this kind of diet. As it is mostly vegetables, nuts and seeds it can lead to severe calorie restriction as well. Staying on this diet for more than a week is very challenging for most people who usually give into cravings. Furthermore the lack of proteins, vitamin B12 and fats in this diet can lead to mental and emotional disturbances.

Claudia Schiffer - Supermodel Claudia Shiffer sticks to eating three meals a day, but they must be totally organic. This is probably the best of the celebrity diets around as it is built on the common sense prescription of three square meals a day. However eating organic can double the expense of your grocery bill which is not economical for many.

Rene Zellweiger - Rene Zelleweiger keeps her figure by sticking to the Zone Diet. This diet which involves food combining is not that practical for ordering out in restaurants. Furthermore strategizing your meals takes a lot of planning, grocery shopping and making special meals. This is just not that practical for today's busy women. There are many companies that specialize in delivering Zone prepared meals directly to your door in large urban centers and you can find this information in your local phone book or you can check on the internet.

Latest Weight Loss Information and Weight Loss Products

What is a fad diet? Fad diets can be best described as a quick means of weight loss that are often only popular for a brief period of time. Fad diets can range from methodologies as deeply entrenched as Atkins and the Zone diet or as unsustainable as the cabbage soup diet or the Special K Challenge diet.

First of all, it needs to be understood that the weight loss claims made by advocates of these diets are not only fleeting but unhealthy as well. Diets like the cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet are going to, in the case of the cabbage soup diet, make you flatulent and, in both cases, have you only regain the weight immediately afterwards.

Fad diets will often overemphasize a single kind of food or type of food. For example, one diet that strikes me as being absurd is the Special K Challenge that advocates replacing two out of your three meals with any flavor of Special K cereal with 2/3 a cup of skim milk, thus typically resulting in a 5 pound weight loss after two weeks. The diet even advocates snacks consisting of Special K snack bars or fruits and vegetables. Astoundingly, there is virtually no decent source of protein included in this diet. While scanning the Special K website, the research used to make such rash assertions as being healthful are vague. They claim that Kellogg?s ?nutrition team? worked closely with ?leading universities? in order to arrive at their far fetched conclusion. To me, this means little more than a clever marketing ploy led by the Kellogg Corporation. Diets like these don?t take into account that people that are truly committed to weight loss are also working out several days a week, so, there would be a lack of calories needed to properly refuel the body. Basically, nutritional problems arise when a so-called ?superfood? becomes the focal point of a diet.

Another diet that falls into the superfood category is the cabbage soup diet. This one along with some other unadorned diets have originated supposedly from hospitals. Diets such as the cabbage soup diet have been allegedly used by patients the week before undergoing heart surgery. By the end of the week, after having only eaten cabbage soup and fruits and vegetables , one is supposed to lose anywhere between 10-17 pounds. Unfortunately, one cannot maintain such a restricted diet for any prolonged period without feeling the ill effects of such a poor diet, such as vitamin deficiencies and the toxic repercussions of cannibalized muscle tissue.

Furthermore, this tremendous weight loss cannot be maintained once normal eating patterns are resumed since water constitutes a large percentage of the weight being lost and, to make matters worse, these diets provide no plan on how to gradually and safely reduce calories without compromising your own health. No matter how great the food is, none should be treated as a panacea. All diets need to be balanced as best as possible so that no ill effects arise.

Learn more about fad diets and find out which is the best diet for your permanent weight loss at, the place to learn about Phentermine online and healthy weight loss! Join our support group for free and find your own weight loss buddy. Learn how to lose weight and keep it off forever!

What is a celebrity diet and who follows them? The term ?celebrity diet? is used to refer to any diet that is recommended by celebrities. There is no single, concrete diet that all celebrities use. To be completely honest, celebrity diets are simply low-carb/low calorie diets that are not the most viable way to a permanent, healthier lifestyle. One would be best advised to eat a balanced diet that ensures plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, as well as hearty, unprocessed grains and breads. One of the worst examples of a so-called celebrity diet is the Original Hollywood Celebrity Diet drink.

I?m sure many of you have been to the drug store and have seen it. Given just two days, this juice mix will have you lose as much as 10 pounds. Surprisingly, even the most cynical have emerged nearly 10 pounds lighter after drinking only 400 calories a day. And, yes, I did say 400 calories A DAY. Not 1500-2000, but 400. Not so surprising is the fact that once you return to any sort of normal eating patterns, even if you make the necessary, healthy adjustments, you still gain it back almost instantaneously. However, I would doubt any celebrities shop where I shop and would buy such a gimmicky product. They have trendier means to meet their fitness goals.

Some celebrities swear by a raw foods diet while others claim that the Zone diet helped to shed their excess pounds. Unfortunately for the regular folks, the celebrities? entire livelihood depends on their image and so they can easily afford to work out hours a day with a trainer and hire a personal chef to prepare all of their meals. We have to work a little harder, not all meals will be perfect, and not all workouts will be a success, but as long as we stay in the fight and continue to make progress at however slow of a rate, we will be working tenfold than what those in Hollywood have to do. You know why? It?s because we are doing it ourselves. And quite frankly, I would never advise any client, no matter their fitness level, to work out for hours at a time. The best diet to follow is not what works for your favorite celebrity in hopes of achieving identical results, but to eat responsibly. And although it sounds clich?, eating in moderation is the best dietary advice that one can be given.

All of the various diets out there are either low carbohydrate in order to control insulin levels, low fat in hopes of cutting cholesterol and cardiovascular ailments, or low calorie for those impatient ones wanting instant gratification that cannot be maintained. These are all too restrictive and difficult to maintain for many people. This is another reason as to why your diet should focus on making better choices the majority of the time, but never ruling out foods. Even though donuts are the worst food out there, it won?t do any notable harm if an active individual eats one every so often, but not every day, because by then, moderation will have been tossed out the window. To make a long story short, keep your fitness goals attainable and your meals balanced, small, and frequent, and you will soon be looking at a new you.

Learn more about fad diets and find out which is the best diet for your permanent weight loss at, the place to learn about Phentermine online and healthy weight loss! Join our support group for free and find your own weight loss buddy. Learn how to lose weight and keep it off forever!

Hair straightening has been taken to a whole new level thanks to the introduction of the sedu hair straightener. This new sedu hair iron is now known to be the best way to straighten curly or wavy hair. Complete with ultra smooth ceramic plates that guarantee a smooth straightening motion without pulling or breaking your hair the revolutionary sedu hair straightener can give everyone the celebrity sedu hairstyles they dream of.

For those who don?t know the sedu hairstyles let me tell you a little about who is sporting it at the moment, the most popular and most talked about has to be the Jennifer Aniston sedu hair style, yes everyone wants it. Next is the Jennifer Lopez sedu hair style and if you have ever wondered how Beyonce gets that perfect straight hair; you guessed it, the sedu hair straightener.

You may be thinking to yourself that these celebrity sedu hairstyles can only be achieved in a hair salon, but that is where you?re wrong. With the sedu hair iron you can actually achieve these celebrity sedu hairstyles from the comfort of your own home. Rated as the best hair straightener on the markets today and the one preferred by hair stylists the sedu flat iron can transform even the most rebellious hair into a thing of beauty.

Smooth and tame your frizzy hair with the sedu hair straightener and watch those heads turn. The sedu hair iron uses ultra smooth tourmaline plates that won?t pull or break your hair, and thanks to its ionic function the sedu hair straightener actually cuts the straightening time in half. That?s right no more hours spent straightening. Easy to use and affordable this masterpiece is a must for all.

If you have uncontrollable hair, whether it?s short, medium, or long the sedu hair straightener is definitely the accessory for you. Perfect for use on dry or damaged hair the sedu hair iron has a temperature gauge that can be altered depending on your hair. Take control of your bad hair days and transform your hair into celebrity sedu hairstyles everyday with the best hair straightener ever; the sedu hair straightener.

The TiGilet team made a research to find the best place to get Sedu. Find the results only on Sedu hair straightener website. Find more info on All Sedu info on TiGilet


Sedu celebrity hair style 1: The Effortless, Everyday Look
Best suited for: Girls on the go that want no fuss yet exude with style
Celebrity icons for the style: Hilary Duff, Jennifer Aniston

How To:

1. Wash hair thoroughly with deep shampoo and conditioner
2. Towel dry hair
3. Add a hair serum to your hair - we love Garnier Fructis sleek & shine serum. This serum will get rid of frizziness & keep your hair looking silky smooth
4. Use the Sedu Flat Iron by inserting approx. 2-inch section of hair between the plates gliding down your hair from root to tip.
5. Repeat to all sections of hair and spray if required to keep hair in tact.

Sedu celebrity hair style 2: Chignon Chic
Best suited for: Night Out or a Dinner Party
Celebrity icons for the style: Nicole Richie, Mischa Barton

How To:
1. Wash hair thoroughly with deep shampoo and conditioner
2. Towel dry hair
3. Add a hair serum to your hair
4. Once you have straighten your hair with the Sedu Flat Iron pull the side section of your hair nearest to your face toward the mirror
5. Twist the back section of your hair, securing it with pins
6. Pull shoulder side section of your hair, twist it, attach to back twist with pins
7. Spray if required.

Sedu celebrity hair styles 3: Tight Bun
Best suited for: Fitness Bunnies
Celebrity icons for the style: Madonna, Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo)

How To:
1. Apply styling mousse from roots to ends
2. Blow dry your hair
3. Sweep hair back from the face and use the Sedu Flat Iron to create a ponytail flip at the ends.

Now you know how to create these styles - get out there and 'Sedu'ce away.

Junalaine Tumang providing the latest Beauty & Styling tips inspired by celebrities at

Best Celebrity Hair Styles for Your Face Part 4 of 6

Looking for a new hair style can be very time consuming. There are many different options to find what you are looking for.

Make sure you keep in mind your face shape when you are looking at hair styles. If you see a celebrity with a heart-shaped face and a hair style that you like, you will need to evaluate whether your face shape will go well with the hair style.

Below are some resources that you can use to find a new, flattering hair style.

  • Magazines. Many women?s magazines feature popular hair styles and do features on various hair issues. Some of the more common magazines that show hair styles include: Allure, Glamour, In Style, People, Redbook, and Sophisticate?s Hairstyles. If you do not want to spend money buying these magazines, you can sometimes check them out at the library, or even go to the library to read them. If you find a style you like, you can just make a copy of it at the library and take it to your hair stylist.
  • Ask your hair stylist. Sometimes you can schedule a consultation and ask your hair stylist what he or she thinks would be best for your face shape. Then you can go home, think about it, and schedule an appointment to get your hair cut. There may be a small charge for consultation, but in the end it may be a worthwhile expense.
  • Search online. There are many sites online that provide photo examples of different hair style today.

    Here are some of the top hair style sites:

  • When you are searching online and find a hair style that you like, you can usually place your cursor over the photo and right-click it and a menu will show up. Scroll down to Print Photo, so that you have a copy for your records.

    There are many proactive hair stylists that will even have a computer near their workstation so that you can look up different hair styles for reference during your appointment. It is best to be prepared with your own copies of photos in case your stylist does not have access to a computer.

    Try to find 2 -3 examples of hair styles that you like. Write down what you like about each hair style. Always take a copy of the hair style photo in to your hair stylist when you get your hair cut, so that he/she will have an example of the hair style that you like.

    Always remember that a good hair stylist will give you an honest opinion about the hair style you have chosen. He or she may tell you that with your face shape certain features of the hair style you have selected will not look good, or will not look like the person in the photo. If this is the case, discuss how you can incorporate certain features that you like into your hair style so that they flatter your face shape and image.

    Stay tuned for Best Celebrity Hair Styles for Your Face ? Part 5 of 6?Should you get bangs?

    Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Hair Resources, the online resource center for finding hair styles, info on hair extensions, hair loss, global beauty salons and other hair topics. Visit our many Hair Resources for Better Hair Days.

    Hair Extensions

    Who gets hair extensions? What are hair extensions, methods, etc.? When can you get hair extensions? Where do you get hair extensions? Why would you get hair extensions? And perhaps the biggest question?.How are they attached?

    A good place to start is explaining what hair extensions are all about. In a society where immediate results are very popular, the beauty industry has developed and improved the ancient technique of adding human or synthetic hair to your own hair and making it look like it grew out of your own head.

    We say ?ancient? because people have been doing this since forever, with wigs, hairpieces, weaves and such. Many of today?s methods have been adapted from African-American stylists that weave human or synthetic hair into corn rows for a long, flowing and natural look.

    So who gets hair extensions? Many celebrities get hair extensions for various movie roles. The celebrity factor is what has catapulted the popularity of hair extensions over the last 5 years. When you see magazine covers with famous actors having long, flowing natural looking long hair, you begin to think that maybe you could get the same look. Once thought as a rich person?s service, hair extensions have become much more affordable and even practical for everyday consumers.

    The main reason for getting hair extensions is to add length to your hair style, although they can be used to thicken your hair or even add highlights. Hair extension expert Rod Sickler, Owner of Images by Rod & Company in Rantoul Illinois says, ?Don?t limit yourself to just adding length to your hair. Hair extensions offer a simple solution to fine hair and can add a little pizzazz to thick, curly or wavy hair in any color or style.?

    ?Any hair type can support hair extensions?, says Sickler. Sickler makes hair extensions easy by creating cutting-edge hair styles for his clients. Some examples include sleek and straight hair, vivacious ringlets and striking color enhancements with the use of different highlighted and lowlighted hair extensions. He describes the hair extension process as very painstaking and challenging as it requires many hours and various techniques to complete. The rewards are many as he is able to re-invent hair, tweak techniques and fulfill his clients? needs.

    When can you get hair extensions? Whenever you have a few hours available! Most hair extension stylists will offer a consultation prior to your actual appointment to get the hair extensions attached. The human or synthetic hair typically needs to be pre-ordered so that it matches your own hair or the intended color you are interested in. In the consultation, the stylists will discuss your current hair health, how the extensions will be attached, possible side effects and what you will need to take care of them. If you are experiencing significant hair loss, hair thinning or have extremely damaged hair, the stylist should recommend that you do NOT get hair extensions until your condition improves.

    Where can you get hair extensions? As the hair extension service becomes more and more popular, you will find many more stylists that go to training and education classes to become certified in hair extension services. The stylist does not necessarily need to be certified, but it is very important that they have been trained and educated properly in hair extensions. Hair extensions are a big investment, financially and emotionally. If the stylist you select does not have proper training, many things can go wrong, including some of your natural hair falling out or even being ruined. Make sure you do your homework in selecting a stylist. Ask to see before/after photos, get references, check if any complaints have been filed against a stylist, etc. All hair extensions have the potential to cause damage to your hair. The experience of the hair stylist is the biggest factor in positive results.

    Finally, the biggest question, How are the hair extensions attached? There are a variety of methods to attach hair extensions. The type and style of hair selected can be a determining factor in how they are attached. Human and synthetic hair can be attached strand by strand or in wefts. A strand of hair would be considered to be 30 or so pieces of hair. A weft is a section of hair that is attached together at the top. The weft is typical sewn or bonded in to the natural hair. Other innovative methods include fusion, bonding, locs, clamps, using string and more.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to every method of hair extension available today. There can be a big cost difference between one method and another. There is a direct relationship between time and cost. Most hair extensions are time-intensive, resulting in the major portion of the costs involved. Another major factor is the quality of the human or synthetic hair that is used. Quality hair is expensive. The hair industry is not regulated so determining what or who supplied quality hair can be difficult. Research and education is a primary factor in a successful hair extension service.

    After you have hair extensions, it is very important that you take care of them properly. Some methods will require the use of special shampoos and styling appliances. There may be recommendations from your stylist in reference to sleeping, brushing, swimming, shampooing and styling your hair extensions. Regular maintenance is also an important step to keep the hair healthy and looking good. Long hair requires work. So make plans to put your time in??. as well as your money!

    For additional information on hair extensions, visit Hair Resources at and

    About the Author:

    Perriann Rodriguez is the award-winning author of the number one best selling E-book, ?2005?s Most Popular Hair Extensions? and ?Wedding Hair Styles? available at the Hair Resources Bookstore, She is also the founder of Hair Resources, a global resource for hair styles, hair extensions, global beauty salons, hair stylists, and much more.

    Sedu Ceramic Hair Straightener Tips

    In order to get the best from your sedu hair straightener, I have compiled a list of the best sedu ceramic hair straightener tips. Whether it?s achieving perfect celebrity sedu hairstyles such as the Jennifer Lopez sedu hair, the Jennifer Aniston sedu look, or even the Hilary Duff sedu hair style, these sedu ceramic hair straightener tips will have you looking like a celebrity in no time.

    Before Use:

    Tip 1:Always shampoo, condition, and blow dry your hair before using the sedu hair straightener as grease and excess oils will cook and burn if not removed before use.

    Tip 2: Always use the correct temperature setting for your hair type to avoid hair damage. The sedu hair straightener comes with adjustable temperatures; use the low temperature setting on your sedu hair iron if your hair is bleached, damaged, or thin and the high setting for thick, course, uncontrollable, or stubborn hair.

    Tip 3:To achieve the best results from your sedu hair straightener it is worth knowing that there are a variety of widths available for the ceramic plates of the sedu hair iron and choosing the best width for your hair will give you the best results. The best width to aim for is a maximum width of 1.5?.

    Using Your Sedu Hair Straightener:

    Tip 1:Remember it only takes 25 seconds for the sedu hair iron to heat up.

    Tip 2: Separate your hair into sections and start with the bottom layer, gradually letting more hair down until complete.

    Tip 3:You will only need to pass the sedu hair straightener over your hair once or maybe twice compared with other models.

    Tip 4:Do not touch your hair immediately after passing your sedu hair iron over it as your hair will be extremely hot.

    Perfect Styles:

    The sedu ceramic hair straightener tips listed below are designed to help you to achieve perfect results and those all important celebrity sedu hairstyles.

    Tip 1:The Sleek flip sedu hairstyle is simple and easy to create and looks great on anyone from a business woman to an energetic young woman. Using your sedu flat iron, straighten your hair and then take the ends and flip them either in or out to achieve this casual yet sleek look.

    Tip 2:The casual chic sedu hairstyle. This sedu hairstyle is very quick and simple to achieve and this one also allows you to show off your face. Once you have straightened your hair using your sedu hair straightener, brush your hair into a pony tail leaving a little hair at the front of your face which you can mould using either your hands or a brush. This sedu hairstyle looks great during the day or for partying at night.

    Tip 3:The messy twist is a sedu hairstyle that is very common among business women and one that is also very easy to create. Using your sedu hair iron, straighten your hair, then take the back section of hair, make a twist and secure it with pins. Next take the side sections of your hair creating mini twists which are attached to the back twist and secured with pins. To complete the look pull out some hair sections around the face and mould using a brush or your hands. This look should be finalized with some holding spray.

    So there you have it, the best sedu ceramic hair straightener tips. Follow these and you are sure to have great sedu hairstyles.

    Find the best place to get the Sedu, reviews and much more info only on Sedu Ceramic Hair Straightener tips. Find more info on Sedu hair straightener on TiGilet

    Choosing a Formal Hairstyle: Why Face Shape Matters

    More than anything, even your dress,and accessories, the right formal hairstyle will say: You look absolutely fabulous! Learn just two attributes about your facial features and you will never again have a problem finding the perfect hairstyle, for prom, homecoming or any special occasion.

    Why does knowing your face shape matter? As a general rule, duplicating the face shape with the hair shape, will create an ordinary look with no pizazz, or style. If you have a round face, don't settle on a round poufy or curly hairdo; it will only make your face look unusually round. Create interest with an angular and/or blunt hairstyle. Likewise, complement balance for a longish face is easy to do with a short full cut and style, rather than long and straight.

    Proportion is the relationship between the length and the width of your face. Choose your hairstyle according to your facial proportions. Follow the guidelines here to find whether your facial structure is oblong, oval or round.

    There are actually several methods for finding the proportions of your face. The method we will use now is the mirror method. Get the help of a trusted friend, who can assist you with the calculations.You can also use a photo of yourself facing straight into the camera. It won't matter if it is a small photo, what we are looking for is proportion and that does not change with the size of the photo. You will need, however to take an accurate measurement, so the larger the photo the easier this will be.

    The average perfectly proportioned face is 1 1/2 time longer than the width. What we are trying to determine here is to what extent does your face vary from the norm. Remember, a perfectly proportioned face is very rare, you need to know your structure only for the purposes of enhancing your features with the very best formal or casual hairstyles and the right accessories.

    Stand directly in front of a mirror, so you can see your entire face and hairline. Remain very still, so you can take an accurate measurement. Do not sway forward or backward or from side to side. Pull your hair back totally away from your face and neck so you can determine your true bone structure.

    First, place a dot onto the mirror, at the uppermost point where your hair meets your forehead. Next, place a dot onto the mirror

    where the bottom of your chin show in the mirror.

    Now, place a dot onto the mirror where each of your cheeks are at their widest point. This is usually at the same level as the top of your ears.

    These two measurements are very important. Write them down.


    Now, we are going to make a simple but very important calculation. Take the width and divide that number by the length. What number did you get? Write this number down. .

    Your face is OBLONG if you are between .60-.69
    Your face is a bit longer than average, you may have a high forehead or a longer chin.

    Your face is OVAL if you are between .70-.79
    Your length is at or close to 1 and 1/2 times the width. Your shape is average.

    Your face is ROUND if you are between .80-.89
    Your is considered round if your length is shorter than average.

    This is not to say that you must follow these guidelines, but by doing so you automatically complement your natural features, which creates balance and excitement, making you more attractive.

    About the Author: Ginny Beres, the webmaster of SHOP4PROM, has helped thousands of teens prepare for their first formal: Prom. Visit her site to find out how you can get a free online makeover at or email

    Why is it that celebrities always seem to be thinner, sexier and more beautiful that us? What weight loss secrets do they use to get that way? Is it a diet, a diet pill, Weight Watchers, or what? It seems that if we could only get the inside information on the new celebrity weight loss program or weight loss pill, then we?d be almost guaranteed to experience fast weight loss of our own.

    Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Denise Richards, Janet Jackson, Daryl Hannah, Whitney Houston, Kirstie Alley and many other celebrities have all been in the news lately because of their own personal weight issues. This article looks at what weight loss strategies have worked for these and other celebrities, and how we can apply these same tactics to our own situation.

    -> First Of All, Celebrities Don?t Always Get It Right:

    Before we go any further with this discussion, it?s important to note that the stars aren?t always successful in their weight loss efforts.

    A 5? 4? Janet Jackson weighed in at a slim 117 pounds in May 2002, but three years later had climbed to a too-high 160 pounds. Kirstie Alley, only 5? 8? tall, weighed 207 pounds as recently as October 2004 (source: STAR Magazine 11-14-05). And who can forget those unpleasant pictures of Anna Nicole Smith?

    Most celebrities have had the same weight issues we?ve all experienced. The difference is that, with paparazi hanging around all the time, when the stars gain some extra fat everyone in America knows about it.

    -> Most Celebrities Are Thinner Than Us:

    Despite the few celebrity weight loss failures, there?s no denying that most celebrities look better than we do. Models, for example, are 23 percent leaner than the average (source: Perhaps their trim appearance is part of the reason why we, as a nation, have such a fascination with the celebrity lifestyle.

    Indeed, we typically reward and idolize the more slender celebrities. Just a quick look at People Magazine?s list of the ?50 Most Beautiful People 2005? reveals that only the lean made the list. People?s ?Most Beautiful Women of 2005? list reveals the same thing ? celebrities (at least the popular ones) are more thin than we are.

    Even when we do find a celebrity that doesn?t look like a stick figure, invariably we find that they have recently lost some weight. ?No longer a crash dieter, Oprah Winfrey?..who at her heaviest was 237 lbs., has been eating right, sticking to lean protein and hitting the gym as she aims for her safe zone in the 150-lb. range. Maybe for the first time, she's doing it for all the right reasons, says trainer Bob Greene of the talk-show queen's workouts (source:

    -> Celebrities Make Weight Loss Mistakes, Too:

    To be completely honest and straightforward, if there?s a diet program out there that doesn?t work, the stars will find it. With an almost unlimited budget, celebrities are willing to try every fat burner and fat loss gimmick that hits the market. Rather than look for the best weight loss program, many stars look instead for just easy weight loss. Consider the following examples of the goofy things celebrities have tried to lose weight fast:

    ?Toccara Jones, former America's Next Top Model contestant, and Wendy Kaufman, the Snapple? lady, who also participated in the first Fit Club, agree to try a New Age weight-loss procedure without knowing what it is. They arrive at Soothing Solutions in Burbank, CA, to discover that they have signed on for a colonic. We gently flow water in and out of your colon and it flushes everything out, the attendant tells them? (source:

    ?Jani Lane, lead singer of the rock group Warrant, who sustained an injury when the Fit Club was boxing, goes to Eden Surgical Center in Calabasas, CA, and undergoes a needle injection. It is a process which liquefies the fat so the cells shrink. Then came the emotional weigh-in. A few of the celebs made their weight-loss goal, most didn't and a few even gained weight? (source:

    -> How Do They Do It?

    Even though celebrities do make diet and nutrition mistakes, the majority of them are still thinner than us. So how do the stars achieve quick weight loss when we battle and fight just to lose a few pounds? Is there some secret weight loss product or weight loss plan they?re keeping hidden from us?

    The secret is that there is no secret. Celebrities try the same diets we have, including the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet and countless others. There is no mysterious diet plan or diet product that works for every celebrity all the time, just as there is no such plan that will work for every one of us. (For more information on this topic, see our e-book titled Fast And Easy Weight Loss Using Diet Programs And Diet Pills by going to and clicking on Pick Up The Pace Store.)

    Celebrities that are successful in achieving a healthy weight loss generally do so with a nutritious weight loss diet and regular exercise. Take a look at these examples:

    I think Oprah Winfrey wins the weight battle of 2004 -- she looks fabulous?..Look at her, she's never looked better. She's been skinnier -- that's true -- but she's never looked better. Oprah should set the standard for Hollywood weight loss, Paula says. She's been very open about it. She's been up, she's been down, she's been wide, she's been skinny. She continues: She didn't do the surgery and she doesn't really do the fad diets. She eats healthy, she has a personal trainer and she works really hard at it (source:

    Denise Richards put on 30 lbs. while carrying Lola (born June 1), but Richards had a secret weight-loss weapon: ?It?s called the Stress Diet,? she says, half-joking, ? and alluding to having filed for divorce (from Charlie Sheen) in her sixth month of pregnancy. But mostly she can thank her work with trainer Garrett Warren: She's been kickboxing and doing abdominal exercises four to six times weekly ? and adhering to a portion-controlled diet (source:

    All eyes were on the miraculous weight loss of Hollywood in 2004, Paula says. But there's no real miracle about it, it's exercise, it's eating right and sometimes -- it's surgery! (Source:

    -> Why Does It Work For Them And Not For Us?

    It?s no surprise that eating the right foods and exercising regularly will help us achieve our ideal weight. So why is it that celebrities seem to have so much more success than we do? There are three reasons why the stars lose weight faster than the average American: * Celebrities have more time than we do.

    * Celebrities have more money than we do.

    * Celebrities have a bigger incentive to stay fit and trim.

    Although they do work long hours while touring or filming, there?s no denying that the stars have more disposable time than we do. When you?re rich enough to hire a nanny, a driver, a personal chef and many other assistants to take over the time-consuming tasks of life for you, it?s easy to find more time to exercise.

    ?Singer Jessica Simpson started a new exercise routine to get in shape for her role as Daisy Duke in the upcoming Dukes of Hazard movie. Her workout includes two hours a day of squats and lunges and has motivated her to create a new workout video. I have a white-girl bootie, so I'm doing all my squats to lift it a little bit and get some junk in my trunk, says Jessica (source:

    ?Usher's been workin' on his abs since he was 16, but claims that it's all because of good genes?..hard work and being disciplined - oh yeah, and 1,000 crunches a day. Usher also has a daily routine he calls forty minutes of funk which includes stretchin', skippin' and jumping jacks. Then he moves onto push-ups, leg raises and tricep dips?..can you say fitness freak!? (source:

    Not only do celebrities have the time to exercise for hours on end, but they typically have the money to hire the absolute best weight loss support team. Julia Roberts, for example, earns an estimated $25,000,000 each year. Cameron Diaz earns $20,000,000 annually. Angelina Jolie pulls down about $12,000,000 each year and Reese Witherspoon gets a $15,000,000 yearly paycheck (source: With that much cash on hand, the stars can easily afford to hire the best personal trainers, the best nutritionists, the best dietitians and the best personal chefs.

    ?Celebrities also have the luxury of personal trainers and nutritionists to help them with rigorous diet regimes? (source:

    With a personal chef to prepare every meal, celebrities find it easier to follow a low fat diet. A registered dietitian in the house makes it easy for stars to get a unique diet recipe or any other weight loss information they want. Simply put, having the salary of a celebrity makes it easier to lose weight.

    Indeed, it?s that same high salary that gives celebrities their incredible incentive to stay slender. The blunt truth of the matter is that Hollywood and the entertainment industry is not kind to overweight stars, often shunning them in favor of ?thin beauty?. Celebrities see a very real connection between their weight and their earnings power, which gives them the motivation they need to keep trying when many others would give up.

    Statistics show that approximately two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight. As a nation, we?re trying to win the battle of the bulge, but we often lack the motivation to consistently exercise and eat right. How much easier would that struggle be if there were a $25,000,000 prize waiting for us when we reached our goal weight?

    -> How We Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars:

    Although most Americans can?t afford the same support staff hired by the celebrities, we can learn from their success and use that information to achieve our own health and fitness goals. Here?s what we can do to copy the weight control tactics of celebrities:

    * Find an exercise program that takes less time.
    *Search for free diet information and free weight loss information.
    * Earn and keep more money by losing weight.

    First of all, it?s time to face reality that most of us will never have hours each day to dedicate to exercise like the celebrities do. That?s not an excuse to quit! Instead, find an exercise routine that will get results in a shorter period of time. A great example is circuit training, where you get aerobic and resistance exercise at the same time. By combining these two types of workout into one, it?s entirely possible to get real fat loss results in only thirty minutes each day.

    Some time-strapped celebrities use circuit training to achieve their fitness goals. Matthew McConaughey, for example, ??..was circuit training ? combining cardiovascular exercise with muscle-strengthening moves?..? (source: STAR Magazine 11-14-05).

    Circuit training works, especially for those of us short on time. Pick Up The Pace, 30-Minute Workout For Women, is a health club that offers hydraulic circuit training and has seen gym members accomplish incredible results. Pick Up The Pace member Minnie lost 10.5 inches during the month of February 2005! Vymell C. lost 9.5 inches the same month! Betty K. joined Pick Up The Pace in January, 2003. By September, 2004 she had lost 50 inches, and dropped from a size 18 to an 8. Stacie Y. lost 68 pounds, 54 1/4 inches, and dropped 6 sizes!

    The next thing we can do to mimic celebrity weight loss success is find free diet information and free weight loss information. The truth about health and fitness is out there, and much of it is free. For example, to get more than fifty pages of free weight loss tips check out For those seeking information on rapid weight loss, it?s also a good idea to subscribe to free health and fitness newsletters like the one found at

    Finally, we can copy celebrity weight loss by giving ourselves a real cash incentive to lose weight. While we probably won?t ever hit that $25,000,000 payday, we can earn and keep more money by losing weight. It's true! Losing weight will help us earn and save more money. Studies have consistently shown that obese employees are paid less than normal-weight employees doing similar jobs (source:

    A comprehensive study of wages in 1998 found that obese workers earn significantly less than than non-obese employees. How much less? About $3.41 per hour! This discrepancy was found only in those workers who had employer-sponsored health insurance, perhaps suggesting that the higher costs of insuring obese individuals was being passed on to the employees themselves. (Source: Bundorf and co-author Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research).

    So it's possible that losing weight could eventually add substantially to our paycheck! But did you know that losing weight may also lower the amount of money we personally pay out in medical costs? According to a study published in Health Affairs recently, obese Americans pay $732 more for health care each year than do normal-weight adults. Is that as much as a celebrity earns each year? Of course not ? but it is a cash incentive for us to lose weight!

    Celebrities will always have the advantage when it comes to weight loss. But with some extra effort we can achieve the same results!

    * Copyright 2005 Pick Up The Pace. Permission is not required for the distribution of Pick Up The Pace articles as long as they are used in their entirety, are properly credited to Pick Up The Pace, and are accompanied by our website link:

    * The information in this article and on this site is for general reference purposes only and not intended to address specific medical conditions. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice or a medical exam. Prior to participating in any exercise program or activity, you should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional. No information in this article or on should be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition.

    Tracie Johanson is the founder of Pick Up The Pace, a 30-minute exercise studio for women, focusing on fitness, health and nutrition for maximum weight loss. Please visit for more information.

    Plastic Surgery: Rhinoplasty / Nose Job Information

    What is a Rhinoplasty?

    Rhinoplasty is a very common procedure which aims to change the appearance of the nose to make it more harmonious on the face. The surgery can thin, turn up, augment, shorten or lengthen, and essentially change the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasties are commonly called 'nose jobs'. It can involve rasping of the nasal bones to remove a bump, resecting the cartiledge to change it's projection, trimming the cartiledge to make it smaller and more defined and a whole myriad of procedures.

    Most rhinoplasty procedures are done after the patient has stopped maturing on their face. This usually occurs at 16-17 in girls and a little later in boys. Rhinoplasty can be combined with a chin augmentation, which can help balance the look of both the nose and the chin. Sometimes a problem in one area creates a perceived problem in the other.

    Common reasons for choosing a Rhinoplasty

    Possibly everyone has a reason to dislike something about their nose. Whether or not that dissapointment is great enough for you to seek to change it is dependant on the individual. People looking to get rhinoplasty must remember that it is a cosmetic change only, it is also important to understand the limitations of the procedure - what can or can't be changed. There are realistic and irrational reasons for looking to change your nose.

    Common complaints of people seeking rhinoplasty: too large, too flat, large bump or convex profile, too wide or fat, too thin, too long, too short, too pinched looking, scooped or concave profile (ski slope nose), hanging columella, functionality - difficulty breathing, crooked, asymettry (nostrils or general structure), bumps, a bifid tip - an indent down the center of the tip, scar tissue, damage from accidents, hooked nose, upturned nose, pointy, bulbuous, lack of definition

    Common complaints or conditions of people who should not be seeking rhinoplasty: becoming more popular, life advancement, becoming more desirable, winning over someone, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) or any other self image disorder, low self esteem due to no visible cause, weak chin, weak jaw, weak or prominant upper jaw, pressure from third parties, career advancement

    What your nose looks like on the inside

    View image at:

    The bone structure of the nose makes up the upper part of the nasal area. It consits of ideally symmetrical bones which form a pyramid shape. This is commonly known as the bridge. The dorsum is the flat surface at the front of the nose caused by the meeting of the nasal structures. The glabella is where the bridge joins the forehead.

    The lower two thirds of the nose are made up of cartiledge structures. These consist of five large pieces, the septum, two lateral nasal cartiledges, and the two greater alar cartileges. There are also several smaller pieces of cartilege known as the lesser alar cartileges.

    The septum is a piece of cartilege that runs down the center of your nose, it divides the nasal cavity in half. The front part of the septum (furthest from your face) is the thickest, it is the thickest where it joins the nasal bones.

    The lateral cartilage is at about the half-way point down the nose. It is wide and flat, and has a triangular shape. The front part of the lateral cartilage is thicker, and the upper side of it is connected to the nasal bones, the lower part of it is conected with the greater alar cartilages.

    The greater alar cartilages are small and thin, and flexible. They are situated at the lower part of the nose, and is folded back upon itself, forming the tip and forming the lower walls of the nose. The two are connected at the center, and as they spread out from the center they become flatter, narrower and more oval shaped.

    The nostrils can be changed in a rhinoplasty as well, by excising sections from the floor of the nose or at the junction where the nose meets the cheek.

    The ideal nose

    There is no such thing as an ideal nose, an ideal nose is based upon the features of that person and what works for their face. A nose that may be attractive on one person may look out of place and actually detract from their good looks on another. Given that, time and time again people have searched for a formula to determine the perfect face.

    Leonardo Da Vinci Facial Thirds

    The width of the nose at the widest part of the base should be about the same distance as the distance between the eyes

    The length of the upper lip should be twice the distance between the lower lip and the chin

    A slight upwards rotation in the tip is better and more attractive

    Yale Medical University

    (a) The distance from the infraorbital rim to the base of the nose should be equal to the width of the nasal base (from the outside of each nostril to nostril) and ? the distance of the middle third of the face (brow to the nasal base).

    (b) The nasal length (radix to tip or RT) should equal the distance from the stomion to menton which equals 1.6 x TS (tip to stomion).

    (c) Ideal tip projection (alar crease to the tip) equals 0.66 x ideal nasal length (RT).

    (d) The line from the mid-glabellar area to the menton should bisect the nasal bridge, the nasal tip, and Cupids bow.

    (e) The nasal dorsum should be outlined by two slightly curved divergent lines extending from the medial supraciliary ridges to the tip defining points. (f) The width of the bony base is approximately equal to 80% of the alar base.

    (g) The width of the alar base is equal to the intercanthal distance or one eye width.

    (h) The alar rims should have a slight outward flare in an inferior direction.

    (i) Lines connecting the tip defining points, the supratip break area, and the columellar lobular angle form two equilateral triangles.

    (j) A line outlining the alar rims and columella resembles a gull in gentle flight.

    (k) With the eyes in frontal gaze, the nasofrontal angle lies at a level between the upper eyelashes and the supratarsal crease.

    (l) The nasal dorsum, in women, lies approximately 2 mm behind and parallel to a line from just above the nasofrontal angle to the tip defining points. In men, the dorsum is slightly higher.

    (m) 50-60% of the tip lies anterior to a vertical line drawn adjacent to the most projecting portion of a normally positioned upper lip.

    (n) Tip projection equals alar base width.

    (o) Tip rotation is determined by the degree of the nasolabial angle, measured as the angle between vertical and a line drawn through the most anterior and posterior edges of the nostrils (normal 95-100 degrees in women and 90-95 degrees in men) (nasolabial angle is not the same as columellar labial angle).

    (p) The columellar-lobular angle is approximately 45 degrees.

    (q) On a basal view, the outline of the nasal base forms an equilateral triangle; the lobular to nostril ratio is 1:2.

    (r) The upper lip projects 2 mm more than the lower lip, and in women, the chin lies slightly posterior to the lower lip; slightly stronger in men. The distance from the mandibular angle to the menton is ? the distance from the menton to the natural hairline (or trichion).

    The procedure

    - Open or closed

    Surgeons performing rhinoplasty have a choice between two types of incision methods. An open or closed technique differes in the incision method, an open technique the surgeon will cut open the nose exposing the inner cartileges. A closed percedure is done with cuts, usually inside the nose. This operation is done wihout visual. What's more important is the skill level of the surgeon. Some surgeons prefer one method over another.

    In an open rhinoplasty the cut is made across the base of the columella, the small wedge of flesh that creates and seperates your nostrils. The incision is usually made with either a Z or an inverted V cut, this help minimize the appearance of the scar. The scar that it leaves when healing is complete is usually very faint and eventually fades away on most people, sometimes there may be a faint pink line where the incision was made. In rarer circumstances a keloid scar can form, but this can be prevented or treated with post-operative care (Such as dermabrasion or kenalog injections)

    - Nasal augmentation

    Different shaped implant can be added onto the structure of the nose, increasing it's projection or width. There are a wide variety of materials to choose from, most doctors will use one particular material because they believe it to be superior. There are implants which can be harvested from your own body, and artificial implants to choose from.

    Bone grafts are usually taken from the patients ribs. There is a small percentage of absorption when implanted, as well there is a longer time for recovery. An extra surgery is performed to extract the graft. There are possibilities of bone infection as well as excessive calcification. Rib grafts have been reported to warp and deform, as like any graft.

    Cartilage grafts can be taken from the patients, either from their rib or ears. When taken from the ear a tiny sliver is extracted from the back of the ear, this is usually used in patients who have had too much cartilege removed. Rib cartilege is usually taken from the false floating ribs.

    Silicone implants have been used for facial implanting since around 1956. They are hard, yet flexible depending on how they are manufactured. Alloderm is donor tissue, through treating the donor tissue is stripped until it is only a protein framework. It contains no human cells. It can last up to two years, and in some cases indefinetly. The product is expensive. It will not mimick the look of bone, but can be used for cartilege implanting and structure work. Polyethylene is a plastic which is porous, resembling coral. Scar tissue can heal into these pores securing the iplant. Gore-Tex is a biocompatable micro-porous material which allows tissue to grow into it. It is soft, flexible and strong. Gore-Tex is easily carved for further personalization to each patients face and needs. Medor/Porex is a light weight high density polyethylene. The implant material has a long history of medical use without any harmful effects. Because of it's porosity, it does have one downfall. If at a later date the implant has to be removed, the operation will become more difficult as it has fused.

    - Ethnic rhinoplasty

    As with any rhinoplasty the goal is to create something that will work harmoniously with the patients face. With an ethnic rhinoplasty it is important to retain and incorporate that persons ethnicity into the final nose. A good rhinoplasty will create a nose that does not stand out or attract attention. In most cases the patient wants more projection and definition in the nose bridge, as well as a narrowing of the nostrils.

    Ethnic skin does have a higher chance of keloid scarring, which is the formation of excessive scar tissue. In pigmented skin, there is also the possibility of hypo or hyper pigmentation.

    Provided by

    Principles of The Zone Diet Plan

    The Zone Diet has been around since around 1995, when fatty acids research scientist Dr. Barry Sears published the New York Times bestseller The Zone. This book was aimed at other doctors but it was found rather quickly by the general public. Since that time he has authored several other books on the subject. The Zone can be summed up as a state of hormonal balance in the body which can be achieved by your diet. It is especially about keeping key hormone's in a balanced zone since the wrong amount in your body can trigger weight gain. This hormonal control is at the center of the Zone Diet. In fact, a craving for Carbohydrate's is essentially a byproduct of making bad hormonal choices at meals. But when you make Zone Diet meals, the real cause of these cravings will be largely subdued.

    Dr. Sears states that current health care for most people primarily focuses on treating symptoms, as opposed to the maintenance of wellness. Results from the Zone diet tend to occur right away because your blood sugar is automatically stabilized. Thus, you feel less hungry and more energized throughout the day.

    There are several fundamental principles of the Zone Diet, according to Dr. Sears.

    First, be certain that every meal leads you to the Zone by eating the correct combination of low-fat protein (such as lean chicken or pork), the right type of carbohydrate such as fruits and/or vegetables (starchy carbohydrates such as breads or potatoes are not as good), and a dash of good fat (such as olive oil). He says it is a good idea to eat a Zone meal within about an hour of waking up in the morning. It is also good to eat 5 times a day.

    And you should not let more than 5 hours go by without a Zone meal, even if you are not hungry. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Another important principle is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day (about a half gallon).

    And finally, remember that if you get off of - remove track, do not worry because there is not guilt in the Zone. Just make sure that your next meal is a Zone meal to get you back where you belong.

    In the Zone, no foods are completely off limits. That means you can eat anything, as long as it has the right balance of protein, carbs, and fat, says Dr. Sears. Wine is even allowable because of the substantial amount of antioxidants it contains.

    You may reprint this article electronically and in print presuming the byline is included and the web address hyperlinked.

    Edna Hemingway is a writer and researcher of Weight Loss Issues. For more info. go to

    Best Celebrity Hair Styles for Your Face Part 5 of 6

    Should you get bangs?

    Bangs are a great way to spice up your hair style. They can put life into a drab look, even modernizing it. Bangs are making a big comeback today. But bangs do not come in one size. There are many different types of bangs to choose from, all with different effects on your hair style. Below are some of the more common types of bangs.

    One thing to keep in mind, before you get bangs cut, is that it may take awhile to grow out the bangs if you do not like the look. You may be able to see what bangs will look like to standing in front of a mirror and placing some of your own hair around your forehead.

    Below are descriptions of some more common types of bangs. For examples of these types of bangs, visit

    ?Not Really Bangs' Bangs-These types of bangs are created when you make a very deep side part, either on the left or right, on your head and drape the hair from one side over to the other. If you were to pull the hair straight down in your face, the hair would not really be that short. This type of bangs will require some sort of hair spray to keep the hair from falling into your face. This is a great type of bang to try, as it doesn't really involved getting hair cut, as it is just the illusion of bangs.

    Fringe Bangs-This type of bang is just a hint of bangs. They do not completely cover your forehead, just a subtle effect. They work to soften a hair style, draw attention away from high foreheads or other facial features.

    Choppy Bangs-This type of bangs is very popular. The hair is very choppy, meaning not a straight or even angled line. Choppy bangs can range between short and long lengths. They are not a full bang, but add visual lines that can help accentuate your facial features.

    Straight Bangs-This type of bang is cut straight across the forehead, with no angles whatsoever. It can be cut to medium length bangs and even very short bangs. This type of bang is also great to broaden a narrow face shape.

    Long Bangs-- We named these the eyebrow bangs because they are long, full and right at or below the eyebrow. The long bang is sometimes worn very long and practically covers the eyes. This type of bang is sometimes called the Seventies Sexy Bang, and it is best suited for face shapes that are narrow, heart or pear shaped.

    Side-Swept Bangs-- We call this the face-framing type of bangs. These are not a full bang, but rather long or short fringes that are angled down the side of the face, basically swept to the side, off of the face. These types of bangs work great for heart and oval face shapes. It is probably one of the more popular types of bangs that are worn today by women.

    Basic Bangs-- These are normal bangs ranging in length from short to long. The shorter version of this bang works well for narrow face shapes.

    Layered Bangs-- This type of bangs has added shorter layers on top of longer layers. These types of bangs are great for adding height and texture in the crown area. Styling this type of bang may require extra time and the use of hair care products such as gels, mousses and creams to keep all the layers in place.

    In short, bangs are a great way to camouflage a high forehead, or accentuate certain facial features. In our final part of Best Celebrities Hair Styles for Your Face Shape, we will cover how you can actually try on hair styles before you get them cut so that you can be assured that the hair style you have selected will work with your face shape and features.

    Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Hair Resources, online resource centers for hair styles, hair extensions, hair loss, beauty salons and more. Visit Hair Resources for better hair days!

    Secrets to Gorgeous Sedu Prom Hairstyles Revealed

    Prom occasions are always the topic of the season. We usually have at least one prom occasion, party, or night out to look forward to every month. Life would be dull and joyless without weddings, birthdays, formal occasions, and friends? parties that take our thoughts away from everyday routine and create good mood for the rest of the month.

    But these events may be a source of our stress as well, when choosing the right dress or hairstyle to wear in order to look special and unique.

    So, if you want to look pretty on your friend?s party or simply irresistible at your prom, there is a quick, effective and unique solution called Sedu prom hairstyles. With a great variety of sedu prom hairstyles you can be natural, chic, formal, or have a vintage style, and have a new perfect look everyday!

    Natural Sedu Hair Style

    If you have a lack of time, or prefer to be natural at any occasion, then this style is a perfect match for you. It involves simple dress of some fall-down fabric like chiffon, silk, or satin. The dress may also be made of the combination of these fabrics. Perfect type of dress is full length with low neck and sleeveless. Such dresses are always elegant and need no further improvements by adding accessories.

    If you choose to add accessories, avoid anything heavier, than light gold or silver chain with small and neat pendant, or you risk to spoil you natural Sedu look. The make-up is as close to the natural make-up-free appearance as possible.

    Natural Sedu hair style is simple. The hair is either left lose and straight, with some curls at the bottom, or twisted into lose bun to express the naturalness of the image. Sometimes when hair is left lose it is better to pin up the framing tresses to show the face.

    To create this Sedu hair style follow these steps:

    1.Wash and condition the hair;

    2.Let it air dry, if you have time, or make a quick blow dry with the cool shot;

    3.Apply some styling mousse and make cool blow dry for 3-5 min;

    4.Use straightener to ensure that you have absolutely Sedu straight hair;

    5.Make curls in, or out at the bottom of the hair, or pin the hair in the bun leaving framing tresses lose to add naturalness.

    Now you have absolutely natural Sedu style with fall-down full-length dress, and hair style that expresses the beauty of your natural image.

    These are two main reasons why natural Sedu hairstyles are also popular among celebrities:

    1.It is hard to impress someone with sophisticated hair style or dress, but natural image is bound to attract attention;

    2.Great tension of the moment, when all cameras clicking, and people shouting, leaves no space to the head ache, which is usual for many women when they have a lot of pins in the hair that secure the hairdo.

    The most popular celebrities that prefer to have natural Sedu prom hair style are Jennifer Aniston, Lindsay Lohan, Hillary Duff, and Angelina Jolie. They are well known for their simple, but elegant and smart styles that express their beauty.

    Chic Sedu Hair Style

    Such style is suitable for people who are not afraid to experiment. It usually involves some sophisticated hairdo, great and expressive dress with low neck, and expensive jewellery. It is easy to spot chic lovers among celebrities. Famous Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, and Charlize Theron are known for their fashionable Chic Sedu hair styles.

    Things you need to do to have Chic Sedu style are following:

    ?Pick up a dress that is made of luxurious fabric with stiff corsage, low neck, and fall-down skirt of any length. It is important that the dress should be of bright color, no pastel shades are suitable for chic style.

    ?Choose impressive accessories like big necklace and earrings. It would look good with low neck and updo.

    ?Take high-heeled shoes of suitable color to match the dress and accessories. If you have sleeveless dress you may also wear gloves, they will add to your chic image.

    ?Make-up should be bright, but suitable. Its role is to underline your image, and not to ruin it. Everything should be matching, and not necessary the colors of the season, because everything that matches your image is fashionable in Chic Sedu style.

    ?Create a complicated hairdo. It is usually the hardest thing from the list. But you won?t have any trouble if you follow the steps below.

    To create a Chic Sedu hair style, follow these steps:

    1.Wash your hair and condition it;

    2.Make quick towel drying and apply some styling mousse;

    3.Blow dry the hair until it is completely dry;

    4.Straighten the hair to tame and make it smooth;

    5.Divide off front hair;

    6.Create a twist of the bottom hair;

    7.Make side parting for the front hair and turn both parts around the bottom twist;

    8.To add extravagancy leave framing tresses, and curl them slightly;

    9.Add hair accessories, which may be jeweled pins or flowers of the season, or some slides with decorative ornaments.

    Now your Chic Sedu hair style is ready, and you have a look of ?world-is-at-my-feet: woman.

    Formal Sedu Hair Style

    Formal Sedu hair style is appropriate for special occasions like your in-laws parties, your friend?s wedding, or corporate parties. It needs some formal dress of pastel, or contrast colors, that is white, black, or their combination, low-heeled shoes, strict hair style and formal pastel make-up.

    Though it is rather old-fashioned, formal style is usually the best choice for any occasion, except for the friends? disco parties or graduation ball. You have all comfort possible with simple and plain dress with knee-high straight skirt, and create impression of a serious and reliable person.

    Pastel make-up adds naturalness to the image, while low-heeled shoes give you the ability to feel your legs after long hours spent on feet.

    Sedu hair styles that go with this image should be simple, yet elegant, expressing your personality and beauty in every situation. The most popular hair styles are tight bun and low ponytail.

    To create a Formal Sedu hair style follow these steps:

    1.Wash and condition your hair;

    2.Let it air dry, or make a cool blow dry;

    3.Apply some styling mousse, and blow dry the hair for 3-5 min with the cool set;

    4.Make low-pony tail with some elastic band, twist the tail around the band and secure it with pins. Use no hair accessories, if you want to look absolutely formal, or add some jeweled pins for happy and friendly occasions, like weddings;

    5.You may leave the pony tail lose, only hide elastic band under some neat hair accessory.

    After you?ve finished all steps, you receive formal Sedu hair style, which creates an impression of the beautiful, yet serious woman, who makes everything perfect in her life.

    Vintage Sedu Hair Style

    Vintage Sedu hair style is one of the latest innovations in the world of fashion. It is usually suitable for any celebrations and evening parties. The word ?vintage? is French and its direct meaning is ?twenty years?, but today vintage means some old fashion, brought up and renewed. For instance, Reese Witherspoon?s style at Oscar?s night this year is vintage. Her dress was of Victorian England style, and with matching hairstyle and pastel make-up it looked absolutely unique and adorable.

    To create a Vintage sedu hair style you will need:

    ?To pick up a dress model that was popular not less than 20 years ago;

    ?Renew this model to suit modern fashion tendencies in fabric and accessories;

    ?Create pastel make-up with colors that match the dress;

    ?Choose accessories and jewellery that add charm to the image. You may want to have a handbag and shoes of the style popular in the same time period as your dress;

    To create a Vintage sedu hair style, follow these steps:

    1.Wash and condition you hair;

    2.Make it air or blow dry;

    3.Apply some styling mousse, and blow dry the hair for 3-5 min to remove any signs of uncontrollable hair;

    4.Create any vintage Sedu hair style that will match your dress.

    Vintage Sedu style is very beautiful and remarkable for any occasions, especially prom. It creates a mysterious air around you, adds to your personality special charm and loveliness. It is very easy to create, and it really distinguishes you.

    Note that Sedu prom hair styles are not bound to those described above. I?ve tried to collect and present the most popular ones that gain our affection and trust by their beauty and Sedu nature. Sedu prom hair styles are numerous and various, though all have common aim: to express the Sedu nature of the women and present them as one-of-a-kind personalities.

    Mary Anne Lionel is the hair care consultant of who helps people with hair problems to discover new ways of revealing their hair health. Visit Mary Anne?s web log at

    Hair Styles How To Get The Most Flattering Hair Style

    Do you ever wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and just want to crawl back in bed because of the way your hair looks? We all have bad hair days, but if your bad hair days are turning into bad hair weeks or months, then you might need some help.

    Many people look to celebrities to find a new hair style---spending tons of money on all kinds of magazines only to frantically tear thru the pages in search of the perfect hair style.

    Then you go to your salon and get that fantastic celebrity hair style only to discover (usually after the first shampoo) that you need to spend about an hour to get it to look the same way.

    There are 5 important questions you should ask yourself if you want to get the most flattering hair style that will work for you.

    1. How much time you are willing to spend every day fixing your hair? Include hair drying, hair straightening, hair curling, special conditioning, styling, etc. Be realistic about your lifestyle and hair grooming habits. If you don't have the time, don't get a high maintenance hair style.

    2. Is your hair in good condition? Don't plan on doing any sort of perms, hair straightening, extensions, bleaching if your hair is damaged or brittle.

    3. Do you know what your face shape is? Your face shape is very important for selecting any hair style. What will look great on a square face shape might not look good at all on a round face. See for suggested hair styles for each face shape.

    4. Are you generally happy with your hair stylist? Does your hair stylist give you instructions about how to style your hair at home? Do they address all of your concerns about your hair or hair style?

    The hair stylist plays a vital role in the way your hair style will look from day to day. Sometimes you can leave the salon looking great--for a day or two. Then it's all downhill after that. You need to get a hair style that YOU can make look great on your own. This can require special instructions from the hair stylist along with specific hair care products.

    5. Do you know what hair styles you like and why you like them? If you explain to your stylist what you like about certain features of a hair style--i.e. long side-swept bangs or long layers in the back---the stylist may be able to add some of these features to your hair style even though the entire hair style may not be suited for your hair.

    For additional information on hair styles, including celebrity hair style photos, samples of the most popular short, medium, long, updo, bridal, prom and mens hair styles, check out the galleries at

    Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Hair Resources, the place to find hair styles, beauty salons + stylists, hair extensions info, hair loss info and more WORLDWIDE. Browse hair styles at FOR BETTER HAIR DAYS.

    How to Create the Hottest Sedu Hairstyles

    Many of the most famous celebrities in both television and movies are sporting Sedu Hairstyles. Celebrity Sedu hairstyles are one of the many latest fashion trends to come out of Hollywood. What makes the celebrity Sedu hairstyles unique though? Why are the Sedu hairstyles so popular?

    The celebrity Sedu hairstyles are very popular for a lot of women who have naturally curly hair, or thicker and more course hair. Many celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Halle Barry, Angelina Jolie and many others do not have natural long smooth and flowing hair like you constantly see them sporting on television and in movies. The secret of many movie stars is their celebrity Sedu Hairstyles. Why would they choose Sedu hairstyles though?

    The celebrity Sedu hairstyles are very popular for a reason. The Sedu hairstyles are created using the Sedu Hair Iron. The Sedu hair iron is uniquely designed and patented using ceramic plates that are actually made of tourmaline crystals. These are combined with a negative ionic charge in order to remove static from the hair. This alleviates the problems of cling in their celebrity Sedu Hairstyles. The end result is a Sedu Hairstyle that will last longer and look better than any other.

    How do the celebrity Sedu hairstyles last longer and why? The patented ionic technology of the Sedu hair iron increases the hold in the hair. While this may not seem plausible at first, let us see why. Between the patented tourmaline ceramic plates and infrared heating technology the Sedu flat iron actually molds the hair. The celebrity Sedu hairstyles last longer because there is no need (On most Sedu Hairstyles) for hairspray or other chemicals, which often fail when exposed to heat or light.

    What about dyed hair? Actors and actresses frequently have to dye their hair and change their celebrity hairstyles in order to fit better in certain roles. The Sedu flattener Iron is designed so that there is no conflict with dyes or tints normally used in hair coloring. The celebrity Sedu hairstyles you see can be done with any color or variety of hair.

    Many ethnic actresses are big fans of the celebrity Sedu hairstyle. Often the desired result is simply to straighten curly, unruly or kinky hair. The Sedu hair iron?s unique patented design and construction make it ideal for this use. Many of the celebrity Sedu hairstyles you have seen are a direct result of using nothing more than the Sedu hair iron and little or nothing else.

    Whether the celebrity and the celebrity Sedu Hairstyle in question is on Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Pamela Anderson (C?mon, you didn?t think her hair was naturally that way did you?) or one of the many other celebrity Sedu hairstyles being seen more and more among Hollywood?s elite, you can be sure the Sedu celebrity hairstyle was created using a quality made Sedu Hair Iron. If you want to make your own hair style comparable to the many celebrity Sedu Hairstyles, the first step is get your own Sedu hair Iron. The possibilities for your Sedu hairstyles or even celebrity Sedu hairstyles really are limited only by your imagination.

    For more information about how to create your very own Sedu Hairstyle, please go to Sedu Hairstyles

    Talia Phillips is a Professional Writer & Researcher. For more information about Sedu Hairstyles, Pictures & Beauty Tips, please go to Sedu Hairstyles

    Hair Resources

    No longer do you have to wait years for your hair to grow out to have a long hair style. You can go and get long hair right now using hair extensions. According to Julien Guyonnet, Creative Director at Antenna salon in London, hair extensions are perfect for transforming short hair to long hair, adding volume to thinning hair, growing out layers, a bad haircut and even adding highlights and lowlights without any chemical processing.

    Julien Guyonnet explains that most people want the best style available in the fastest time possible. Everyone is in such a rush so they have to be practical. In reality, hair extensions are the only way to have long and healthy looking hair. To achieve that kind of thickness isn?t available in any other way.

    What are hair extensions?

    Hair extensions involve attaching human or synthetic man-made hair near the root of your natural hair to create a natural?looks like it grew out of your head---look. The extensions can be attached in 2-4 hours and will last anywhere from 3-6 months at which time they need to be removed and/or replaced depending on the method used.

    There are many different hair extension methods to choose from these days. The hair can be attached strand by strand or in wefts (tiny little curtains of hair attached together at the top). Some of the many attachment methods available today use keratin based adhesives, glues, heat seal, tiny locs and even string to attach the hair to the natural hair. And if you?re not ready to permanently attach something to your hair, you can always try clip-in hair extensions that are easily removable.

    The Facts of Monofibre? Hair Extensions

    Julien Guyonnet uses the Monofibre? hair extension method that was invented by Simon Forbes of Dome Cosmetics over 20 years ago. This method uses man-made Monofibre? hair instead of human hair. The hair is so silky and smooth that you can?t even tell it?s not real.

    The Monofibre? hair is attached near the root of the natural hair using a gentle heat that creates a heat seal between the extension hair and the natural human hair. The natural hair needs to be at least 3-inches/ ~8 cm. long to attach the extensions. It is suitable for all hair types as there are no glues or bonding materials used in the application.

    Julien Guyonnet has attached Monofibre? hair extensions to clients that want a new look with longer and/or thicker hair and even clients suffering from all forms of hair loss due to cancer and certain treatments.

    Hair loss clients usually have fine or brittle hair that can be further damaged if heavy human hair extensions are attached. The extra weight of the human hair can pull out the natural hair causing severe damage and even permanent hair loss. Monofibre? hair weighs about 1/3 of the weight of human hair and puts less stress on the natural hair.

    The extensions can take between 2-3 hours to attach, depending on the requirements of the clients. A partial transformation would take roughly 1 hour and volumising would take between 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Monofibre? comes in many different colors and 2 different textures, classic and wave. The classic texture works on poker straight and semi-straight hair while the wave texture suits all curly hair types.

    Monofibre? hair extensions can last up to 3 months at which time the extensions are completely removed and replaced with new hair. The hair can be removed and replaced during the same appointment so that a continual look is maintained. Most salons offer a tidy-up service to keep the style looking immaculate in between replacements. The costs for extensions can vary from salon to salon, but are much cheaper than human hair extensions. At Antenna Salon, Monofibre? hair extensions are very affordable. Prices start from ?195/~$347 US.

    Advantages of Monofibre?

    The Monofibre? hair extension method has many advantages over methods using human hair, Julien Guyonnet explains. The hair is much lighter in weight and shinier in texture than human hair. And unlike human hair that has a mind of its own, the fibre hair holds a style until you take it out. Fibre hair is also non-porous, so it doesn?t absorb any hair care products in any way. He adds, ?Because of its versatility, Monofibre? extensions can be manipulated into Avant-Garde styles such as dreadlocks, braids, etc.?

    Julien Guyonnet continues, ?I have tried using human hair for extensions and found it really an awful experience. I didn?t like using the glue and solvents. Actually, I felt quite ill through it all.? He feels that Monofibre? hair extensions are the safest method for natural hair and the most interesting since one can blend the hair with a variety of colors. The sky is the limit when it comes to creativity.

    Another big advantage of Monofibre? hair extensions is the training and education that a stylist must go through in order to be qualified to do hair extensions Julien Guyonnet came to London over 9 years ago to learn everything about Monofibre? hair extensions from Antenna Salon.

    He started out his career by training in France for 3 years at a Hairdressing Institute followed by 2 years work experience in Parisian salons on the Champs Elys?es. He trained as an assistant using Monofibre? extensions for 6 months.

    After completing the Dome Academy 4 day foundation course he became a qualified stylist in Monofibre? extensions. A year after that he became a senior stylist at Antenna and was doing 10 hair extension clients per week. Two years later he became the Creative Director at Antenna Salon in London.

    Celebrities Wearing Monofibre? Hair Extensions

    Monofibre? hair extensions have become even more popular as many celebrities, such as Vanessa Feltz, Peaches Geldof and Tara Palmer-Tomkinson are wearing them. Julien Guyonnet attached 12-in./~30 cm. hair extensions to Peaches Geldof?s medium length bright blonde hair. He also added some lowlights for a more sublt effect. She has been wearing Monofibre? hair extensions for about a year.

    When asked why she wanted to get hair extensions, she says, ?I wanted extensions because I thought it was a really fun, sexy look. I was making a documentary at the time and doing TV work, so I wanted to look glamorous! I?ve always loved long hair so it seemed the perfect way to do it as my hair just wasn?t growing fast enough.?

    When she first got the extensions Peaches Geldof was bleaching her shoulder-length hair bright blonde. Because of all the bleaching, her hair was not in very good condition and she was concerned about further damage from hair extensions.

    Peaches Geldof made the decision to go with Monofibre? hair extensions for several reasons. First, they are more ethical than human hair. She did not like the idea of having someone else?s locks glued to hers. Second, the extensions are much lighter in weight and attached in a way that would not cause further damage to her already-damaged hair. And third, she could continue coloring her hair and not worry about damaging the extensions since they are non-porous and will not absorb anything.

    Peaches Geldof mentions that one down-side of getting hair extensions is the up-keep. She returns to Antenna Salon for a tidy-up every month. The extensions last around three months before they need to be removed and replaced. She adds, ?No matter how you look at it, having long hair is expensive and time-consuming. Whether you are getting hair extensions, regular blow-dries, color or highlights, you will need to invest time and money for the best results. I feel that hair extensions are well-worth the time and money. I was able to get a glamorous look in just a few hours, instead of a few years.?

    The daily hair styling routine is fairly uncomplicated. Peaches Geldof takes us through a typical day-- ?When I have the extensions in, I usually wash my hair with products designed for extensions, such as Antenna?s aftercare products from Dome Cosmetics. I then follow with a deep-conditioning serum or masque as my hair gets quite dry. I spray my hair with a heat-protection spray and blow-dry my real hair, and the extensions which are already straight.?

    Many other Antenna hair extension clients have nothing but good things to say about Monofibre? hair extensions. Charmaine Rose, Extreme Makeover 2005 contestant says, ?My hair has never looked better than when I started wearing Monofibre? hair extensions. They are much easier to maintain than I imagined. I feel and look much more feminine and I highly recommend, when in London, booking an appointment at Antenna!?

    For more information about Julien Guyonnet and Antenna Salon, visit their website at

    More about Dome Cosmetics

    Founder Simon Forbes invented Monofibre? hair extensions over 20 years ago by fitting two things together. He picked up old implements and introduced new technology and knowledge to these instruments to find that they can be incredible things.

    Simon Forbes says, ?If you?re going to be a hairdresser you?re lumped with the human head. You?re stuck like an artist with the same medium which is hair. That was the starting point for Monofibre?. It is very versatile and doesn?t have a mind of its own.?

    The Monofibre? is designed in England and manufactured in China. It has a proprietary element that results in the highest quality acrylic fibre hair. The hair provides a soft silky feel that is incomparable to other inferior quality fibres on the market today. Monofibre? gives length and volume, as well as color and texture and so in itself it transcends fashion. The extensions are for anyone, including those suffering from hair loss. There are no side effects in the short or long term.

    Simon Forbes adds, ?What I?ve never been really able to understand is how someone can wear second-hair (human hair) on their head. I mean it?s the last thing I?d want to do is wear somebody else?s hair. If the hair is coming from people who have had some terrible misfortune in their lives,?then to stick it on a woman?s head with glue (who probably has a ?2000 Chanel Hand bag hanging from her shoulder )?there?s something very immoral in that.?

    Simon Forbes recommends the use of the Dome Aftercare product range to keep the extensions in pristine condition. The range consists of Frequent Use Shampoo, Intense Conditioning Treatment, Daily Care Mist and a soft bristle Dome brush. An aftercare leaflet is also included to give you top tips on how to maintain your Monofibre? hair extensions

    Simon Forbes sees a continuing growth of hair extensions as a service. It is a source of revenue for salons that potentially outperforms any other service within the industry. Dome Cosmetics continues to train and certify hundreds of stylists every year in Monofibre? hair extensions.

    For more information about Dome Cosmetics or to find a salon near you, visit their website at:

    About Hair Resources: is the only global resource center for popular hair styles, hair extensions information, beauty salons and hair stylists, feature articles on hair related topics, E-books and more. Hair Resources receives nearly 2 million visitors each year. The global beauty salon and hair stylist directory has nearly 600 listings worldwide. is devoted exclusively to providing information about hair extensions.

    About Perriann Rodriguez:

    Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Hair Resources. She is the award-winning author of over 100 feature articles on beauty, science and hair related topics as well as the author of the best selling E-book, 2005?s Most Popular Hair Extensions and Wedding Hair Styles. Rodriguez has an MBA in marketing from DePaul University in Chicago Illinois and is listed in the United States Register of American Writers. For more information, visit, and

    Sedu Hairstyles How to Look Perfect on Prom Night

    Sedu hair is the current 'in' fashion. It looks nice on everybody, but you do need to know how to make it go from looking great to looking super sexy!

    7 Steps to achieving the perfect look:

  • Spray a heat-protective spray in your hair, this insures very little damage is done to your hair. Be sure to spray over the entire length of your hair.
  • Fully dry hair using a blow dryer. Make sure that you blow downwards, this is so the you can keep the cuticles lying flat, thus leaving your hair shinier, because more light can reflect from your hair. .
  • Comb through your hair with a wide-toothed comb, so as not to create static in your hair. Keep this comb for the next part. .
  • Separate your hair into sections. Depending on the thickness of your hair you may end up having created between 4 and 10 sections. Start with the hair closest to your neck. and work up to the top. You will find that the more sections you have the straighter your hair will be in the end. .
  • Once you have your first section, turn on your hair straighteners. Starting at the top pull the straighteners down towards the floor. Do this fairly slowly. The slower you go the straighter it will be and the longer it will stay in. But also the slower you go the more damage you cause to you hair. .
  • Once your first section is straight, continue until all the hair is completed. .
  • If you are happy with your look, then spray some shine spray over all your hair. If not, continue straightening your locks until you achieve desired effect, please remember that straighteners can also create curls and waves, so be creative. .
  • Prom hairstyles

    We know that you want to look stunning for your prom, it is probably the first time you will put so much effort into going out, so you will want your hair to look amazing.

    For further tips and ideas for how to look great on your special evening, visit Sedu Styles

    This article was submitted by Alissa Carter.

    Alissa Carter is a University student in the U.K. and loves fashion and style.

    Hyaluronic Acid Newest Celebrity Beauty Secret?

    We can always count on celebrities to serve as guinea pigs for the latest cosmetic and beauty treatments. During the Botox ? craze, even director Martin Scorsese commented that he couldn?t find actresses who could frown anymore! Perhaps actors, politicians, musicians and the like all grew tired of looking like Stepford wives because the latest cosmetic craze involves Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, providing the body with essential moisture and a viable way to erase wrinkles without the loss of facial expression. Hyaluronic acid is available in facial injections reportedly favored by celebrities like Charlie Sheen, Tommy Lee Jones and Oprah Winfrey who have chosen Restylane, a Hyaluronic acid wrinkle-filler that works to lift the lip, wrinkle or fold and create volume. Hyaluronic acid injections do not relax muscles but instead ?fill in? areas most affected by wrinkles and fine lines.

    There are also several new, non-invasive beauty products that contain Hylauronic acid or work to stimulate the body?s own Hyaluronic acid production. Apparently full lips a la Angelina Jolie are a must-have because celebrities of all ages are going gaga for City Lips, a cutting edge product developed by City Lips Cosmetics. The City Lips product stimulates lips to produce their own collagen and Hyaluronic acid, painlessly increasing the size of lips. According to Karen Rauen, Good Housekeeping Institute?s chemistry director, The City Lips lip plumper, we found, plumps people's lips an average of three millimeters.? Celebrities like Desperate Housewives stars, Teri Hatcher and Nicolette Sheridan, Jamie Lynn Discala, Virginia Madsen, Melissa Rivers, Angela Bassett, Lacy Chabert, Lake Bell, Eliza Dushku, Bijou Phillips, Haylie Duff, Kathy Griffin, Tracy Ross, Marlee Matlin, Shannon Elizabeth, Michelle Rodriguez, Faith Evans, Giuliana Depandi, Debbie Matenopoulos and Princess Ann Claire, are reportedly huge fans of City Lip Cosmetics.

    There are other Hyaluronic acid boosting ?lip plumpers? on the cosmetic market including Lucky Lips which allegedly increases Hyaluronic acid levels by 148% just 48 hours after use. Other celeb Hyaluronic acid beauty favorites include Hydrating Gel Cream from Prada Beauty, a lightweight, sheer cream featuring Hyaluronic acid and Rest-A-Line Face Treatment by Joey New York, an anti-aging cream rich with Hyaluronic acid which helps the skin hold 1000 times its weight in water, causing a natural plumping effect. All in all, between facial injections and non-evasive beauty creams, it seems like there is much hope on the frontier for finding that elusive fountain of youth; for celebrities and for common folk, alike!

    Hyaluronic Acid Resource is dedicated to promoting an understanding of Hyaluronic acid, a major ingredient in many medical and anti-aging therapies and to highlighting places where you can safely purchase Hyaluronic acid products. For more information go to

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